
Showing posts from June, 2018

Family Stress

Everyone experiences stress in their life, nobody is excused from stress, it's apart of life. Many different aspects of life or different events can cause stress and how we each respond to the stress is different for everyone. Stress can affect a family just like it can affect an individual and how the family handles the stressful event can be affected by many factors. A lot of the times stress can feel like it never stops, just keeps getting worse, or just piles up. How we react to a stressor has a lot to do with what else may be going on in our life at the time of the event. For example, when little stressors that could be fairly easy to deal with by themselves could be a lot harder to handle and affects how we react to the stressors when those little stressors all happen a once. Another factor could be one big stressor happening right after another, leaving you with little time in between stressful events. Research done by Pauline Boss in 2001 shows that familie...

Going Beyond Just Sex Education

How we handle sex education in the US has made some made some huge advancements in the past decade and has made some big changes in our society. In the past decade, teen pregnancy has gone down by 28%, which is an incredible accomplishment but there is definitely still more that can be done. As important as a good sex education is, teens shouldn't just be learning about the health risks and the actual act of sexual intimacy but also how to achieve a successful relationship. It's time to go beyond just the current health-based curriculum and start to teach more about overall relationships as well. Teens learn about everything from biology, how to reduce pregnancy and how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases but then are taught nothing about relationships themselves. It's an incredibly missed opportunity at a chance to really educate teenagers on what makes and healthy relationship and what factors do not. Teaching topics such as how to effectively communicate and manage ...


Why Do People Marry? For the most part, this is a pretty simple answer, but there are still quite a few things that influence people to get married. The first major influence would be the simple need for intimacy. When you get married its usually after you’ve found someone that you deeply love, and that fulfills your social needs. Another reason many people marry is because of the expectations set by the culture around them. In some cultures, its expected that you marry and if you don’t there may be some negative attitudes toward you. I found this in my life quite often actually, not so much in a negative way yet but every time I go home many people will ask if I have been dating or if I have any ‘prospects’ and the question of when I will get married comes up often in my family. In our society, there is definitely an expectation to get married. Types of Couples It’s pretty much common knowledge that there are many different types of couples, no one couple will have the ex...

Dating and Marriage

If you know me, you know how much I hate dating. Ever since my first date I've hated the whole experience, it's awkward, stressful, and just overall not fun. I've been very successful in avoiding it for the past couple years and I honestly don't mind that everyone around me is going on multiple dates and I'm not. During my first semester at BYU-Idaho I had a friend that would go on a date every weekend, usually with a different guy each time, and that sounded absolutely exhausting to me. The idea of having to show off your best self every weekend is horrible to me and I would much rather be by myself in my room binge-watching Netflix. Of course, I know this is not the best and it's probably not the healthiest to be by myself so often but my past experiences have been exhausting and completely draining that even after just one date I'll go on a dating hiatus for months. So what are we even doing when we go out and date? It's obvious to many that we're...