
Communication is key in any type of relationship and can be quite complicated. Communication is defined by the language and nonverbal signs to convey something between two or more people, it seems pretty straightforward but what can make communication so complicated is how we think to communicate can be completely different than how someone else would choose to communicate. How we communicate and how we even listen to others can vary from person to person making understanding communication and listing patterns very important in any relationship.

Nonverbal Communication 
It is impossible not to communicate, even silence is a form of communication. By not talking to someone about something or not talking to them all together is in a way sending the other person a message. Words are only a part of communication, just as important is the way we express those words or no words, It is even estimated that nonverbal cues make up anywhere from 50 to 80% of our communication. Nonverbal communication can come from how you dress, it may not be something that we tend to think about but the effort we put in how we look on any given day to communicating to the ones around us. Facial expressions is another big way to communicate nonverbally. Although many learn how to control their facial expressions, it can still be a big indicator of how we are feeling in any situation or environment. I am definitely one of those people that have a hard time controlling my facial expressions, my mom has always said that you can read everything on my face, I have even had people I have only known for a short period of time comment on my many facial expressions.

Types of Listening 
It can be argued that listening is even more important than talking and it's true that good listening is important in any relationship, you can't have good communication with someone unless you are willing to listen to them. Just like with almost anything there are many different types of listening, some positive and some negative. I want to focus more on the negative types of listening for now.

The Dependent Listener 
This type of listener is so focused and concerned about the speaker and whether they have a good impression of themselves that they are actually unable to fully listen to the speaker and appropriately respond. Practising this way of listening can get in the way of someone building fulfilling relationships.

The Faker
I'm sure many of us know someone that falls in this category, this type of listener only pretends to listen and they can be good at faking the listening by smiling and head nods when they are most likely thinking of something else. It can be especially hard to create a solid relationship with someone when you're not even sure if they may be listening to you or not.

The Self-Conscious Listener
This listener is sometimes so worried about how to respond to a person that they don't genuinely listen. While the other person is talking, the self-conscious listener may be too distracted by trying to impress the other and they forget to listen to what is being said. 


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