Going Beyond Just Sex Education

How we handle sex education in the US has made some made some huge advancements in the past decade and has made some big changes in our society. In the past decade, teen pregnancy has gone down by 28%, which is an incredible accomplishment but there is definitely still more that can be done. As important as a good sex education is, teens shouldn't just be learning about the health risks and the actual act of sexual intimacy but also how to achieve a successful relationship. It's time to go beyond just the current health-based curriculum and start to teach more about overall relationships as well.

Teens learn about everything from biology, how to reduce pregnancy and how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases but then are taught nothing about relationships themselves. It's an incredibly missed opportunity at a chance to really educate teenagers on what makes and healthy relationship and what factors do not. Teaching topics such as how to effectively communicate and manage conflict, what's important in a partner, how to gauge the health and safety of a relationship, and understanding the general building blocks of a positive relationship can be essential to improving how relationships are seen by people.

The things I have learned in my family related classes have been extremely helpful to me in my life and I know they will only be of more help when I am actually married one day. From what I have learned I don't understand why this is not something that we are required to learn because it can so helpful.


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